Serkan Demir
Chief Information OfficerSerkan Demir was born in İskenderun in 1980 and graduated from the Computer Engineering Department of Engineering Faculty at Çankaya University in 2001. He got his MBA from Beykent University in 2006. Demir started his career in 2001 as a System Analyst at Aksigorta IT Department, and later he served as IT Manager at Retails Group of Sabancı Holding between 2004 and 2011. He acted as Ülker International (EMEA) IT Director in Yıldız Holding between 2011 and 2015. He was the Deputy General Manager responsible for IT and Digital Transformation and Member of the Board of Directors at Yum Brands International. Demir joined Alarko Group of Companies in 2018 as Information Technologies Director and is appointed as Chief Information Officer of Alarko Holding as of 2022. Serkan Demir speaks English.