Our Sustainability Approach

  At Alarko Holding, we believe that sustainability is the key to long-term success. We intend to contribute to a better future for all through responsible investment principles and mobilize our power for transformation. Therefore, in all Group companies and new investments, we are striving to develop business models that are resilient, adaptable to uncertainties, and aligned with long-term environmental and social benefits.  We are supporting our companies to generate innovative and forward-thinking solutions with all stakeholders in the sectors in which they operate. Rather than attempting to predict the future, we are focusing on enhancing our adaptability throughout the entire value chain in collaboration with the stakeholders, to foster prosperity across the entire business ecosystem.


We recognize the fact that our actions today shape the future of our organization, our employees, and our stakeholders. Therefore, we aim to generate long-term environmental and social benefits and make the future valuable for everyone by investing in new business areas that will benefit our employees, society, and stakeholders.

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Social Responsibility

Alarko Education-Culture Foundation

Alarko Holding aims to protect the development and motivation of young people with non-refundable scholarships.
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Social Responsibility

Support for Women

As Alarko Holding; We support gender equality, and in this context, we work together with non-governmental organizations to eliminate inequalities and remove obstacles to women's participation in business life.
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Social Responsibility

Scholarship Projects

Within the scope of the protocol signed between Alarko Holding and the Turkish Education Association, Alarko Holding provides 10 million TL support for the education of children affected by the earthquake with the "Hopes Grow Again with Alarko" campaign.
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Social Responsibility

Alarko Life Volunteers Activities

In parallel with Alarko Holding's sustainability vision, we aim to benefit society and create social benefit throughout the company by producing solutions that will improve nature, society and life.