MEDAŞ’s New Call Center Has Been Opened
Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Berat Albayrak said, “We will have solved many of our shortcomings in energy in the coming 5-year plan. We have increased our investments for the period between 2016 and 2020 to TL 18 billion.”
Albayrak inaugurated the new call center in Konya that will serve more than 1,8 million customers in the 6 districts where Meram Elektrik Dağıtım A.Ş. (MEDAŞ), a Cengiz Holding and Alarko partnership, is active in electricity distribution. The inauguration ceremony was held with the participation of Minister Albayrak and Mustafa Yılmaz, Chairman of the Energy Market Regulatory Authority (EPDK), Ayhan Yavrucu, CEO of Alarko Holding, Mehmet Cengiz, Chairman of the Board of Cengiz Holding, and Erol Uçmazbaş, General Manager of MEDAŞ.
To be completed in November
Minister Albayrak stated that four of the call centers of the nine to be opened by the distribution companies were open and that the remaining openings would be completed in November. Albayrak who pointed out that Turkey had to invest in energy, ensure security of supply, diversify, reduce the price, make it accessible, and raise the bar of customer satisfaction higher, said:
“Energy has always had an important place in our government plans. We will continue our customer focused services. Today is a wonderful day for Konya. We have taken a very critical step in Turkey’s energy strategy by making an important disclosure for Karapınar in Karapınar. We are taking important steps in every area of energy. We are going to witness a period in which Turkey will accomplish more important projects as natural gas investments in particular are actualized.
Investments will Continue
Albayrak pointed out that they were aware of Turkey’s shortcomings in the area of electricity distribution and stated that they would increase the technical support competence in 21 distribution areas with a new employment capacity of 4 thousand people. Albayrak said, “We will have solved most of our existing shortcomings in the coming 5-year plan. An investment of TL 8,8 billion was already made. We have raised our investments to TL 18 billion for the period between 2016 and 2020. We will continue to ensure infrastructure and capacity increase in energy.”
"We Have Invested 703 Million”
Alarko Holding CEO Ayhan Yavrucu said, "We have always believed in Turkey and will continue to do so. We are maintaining our investments in this regard.” Yavrucu also stated that they had invested TL 703 million to MEDAŞ in 6 years and noted that they would invest an additional 1.3 billion in the coming 5 years. Yavrucu also said, "This year MEDAŞ will have bought a total of approximately TL 1,5 million of electricity. All payments are made on time, we have no debts.”
500 Thousand Calls a Month
150 people will be employed at the call center of MEDAŞ serving Konya, Karaman, Aksaray, Niğde, Nevşehir and Kırşehir with 3 thousand employees. The new call center will meet 500 thousand calls a month.

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