Second Term Graduates of BAU Alarko MBA

The second graduates of the postgraduate program put in effect with the collaboration of Bahçeşehir University and Alarko Holding. Leyla Alaton, Board Member of the Alarko Holding said that there was no age limit in learning and added, “Your investment in people is investment made to your country, to your company.”
Bahçeşehir University (BAU) academicians and Alarko Holding executives met at the graduation of 22 students, all Alarko Holding employees. The graduation ceremony of the second group of students to graduate from the program was held at BAU’s Beşiktaş Campus. The students who graduated following the two-year program received their diplomas at the ceremony. BAU President Prof. Dr. Şenay Yalçın, BAU Social Sciences Institute Director Burak Küntay, Alarko Holding Board Member and CEO Ayhan Yavrucu, Alarko Holding Board Member Leyla Alaton and Alarko Holding Board Member Niv Garih expressed their views regarding the program before the graduation ceremony.
Speaking following the ceremony Leyla Alaton said they were doing something useful and important. Pointing out that this program showed the importance given to their employees Alaton said, “I think and suggest that the whole business world collaborate with universities for similar programs because investing in people is in fact investing in your company, in the people of Turkey, in our country. Even if that person quits your company he/she will take along his/her knowledge. There is no age limit to education. Anyway, we are coming from a culture that attributes power to education. For us education means learning, knowing, hence, our people and knowledgeable people are the most important assets of our company.
BAU President Prof. Dr. Şenay Yalçın, stated that their collaboration was an important example and added, “The collaboration of academia and the sector, their working on common solutions to the existing problems is a matter we give great importance to from the point of view of educating professionals in the required areas in Turkey that is growing out of its limits particularly in its region.”
BAU Social Sciences Institute Director Burak Küntay pointed out that academicians and important members of the business world came together at the lessons and said, “If you leave the sector out of the postgraduate program, you will be lacking something, if you leave theory out, that program cannot be a postgraduate program. Therefore, the prowess here is to bring together the sector and the academy.” Küntay also gave the good news that they would give one student who graduated from the last term or this term of the MBA program the opportunity to do a doctorate program. Küntay said, “Doing a doctorate is important as it should not be compared to doing a graduate or postgraduate program. It is a long and difficult process. It is not one that can easily be coordinated with professional life. Therefore, we will consult with the Alarko management regarding the person to be selected.”
Alarko Holding Board Member Niv Garih pointed out that they wanted to give those who would like to continue their professional life while at the same time continue their studies said, “It is important for our employees to enter the academic area without making a lot of sacrifice from professional life and also contribute to themselves. Both personal development and contribution to the company as a result of this development are important. With this opportunity, we are investing in our people, our employees, our youth.”
Aylin Yurttadur, who completed the program with high honors and has been working at the Alarko Carrier Finance Department for the last ten years, stated that such an education opportunity after entering business life had been very important for her. Yurttadur added that she had been more successful due to the combination of theory and practice and understood more clearly how other departments worked in coordination with each other.

Second Term Graduates of BAU Alarko MBA

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